Saturday, April 25, 2015

An Update on Kameron From China

We received updated pictures and answers to the questions we sent to Kameron's orphange, this week. The excitement we ALL feel when we receive answers to our questions is difficult to adequately describe. We only get to send a request once every three months. When the email comes through notifying us of the update and photo's received, THAT is a feeling that is so hard to beat!

We received updated measurements. It made us giggle that when we converted them to our standard measurements, Kameron and Jesse Jay (our very tall/large kindergartener) are near the same size in shirts and pants. Kameron has much larger feet though!

We also received notification of receipt for our I-800A from the United States Central Intelligence Office. We have appointments to meet with them for additional in person information and processing on Friday.

We are nearly finished with all that is needed for our Dossier to send to China. We are just awaiting approval of our I-800A, printing some family photos, and awaiting official copies of requested documents. We are working on applying for a few grants and praying that we might be accepted for one or two.

We find ourselves staying close to home these days. We are playing in the yard, prepping our garden for the year, keeping up on laundry, cooking meals, reading books-- just absorbing every spare moment we can of family time, together.

Our fundraisers are moving along nicely. Below are some details:

1. The Thirty-One Fundraiser was very successful! Thank you to those who have participated and especially to Crystle Bittle for offering to do this for us. If you are still interested in getting something from Thirty-One and wanted it donated to our adoption fund-- Crystle has graciously agreed to still take those orders. All you have to do is contact her or myself and order online here.

2. If you wish to donate directly to our adoption, and are seeking a tax deductible option: we having signed up with an online donation site dedicated specifically for adoption. We are a little over 10% at our fundraising goal! We are hoping to raise 15,000 dollars before we leave for China, to help us bring Kameron home. We still need help raising the remainder. Click here for this website.

       We are all getting so excited! We cannot wait to get to fly to China to bring Kameron home! We are absorbing all the information about China we can. It's likely that we have read every book and watched every DVD on China that our Public Library offers. The kids LOVE trying to eat with chopsticks. And they cannot wait to have a big brother who will teach them so much more about his culture.

(I just had to share one more of this guy!)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sending an Update Request to China

Today, is an exciting day for us. We got to send off a request to the orphanage for updated photo's and asked 10 questions of Kameron and his caregivers. We should receive a response within a couple weeks. As we wait on pins and needles, awaiting to learn even more about our new son, we find ourselves trying to immerse ourselves in distractions.

Luckily, we are celebrating Toby's 5th birthday tomorrow. Currently I am baking a large Funfetti gluten-free Ninja-Turtle Themed birthday cake for his preschool. Then the party on Saturday. Since we returned from my sisters wedding at the end of March, we have just been go-go-go!

The cold I have mixed with allergies. The ear infection the baby has, has really been slowing us down. This morning, despite feeling absolutely miserable, I was able to peel myself out of bed to run errands with the boys. There is simply too much to be done to rest.

We got to talk with our social worker with Lifeline (we ADORE them) about older child adoptions last week. She advised us that this waiting period we are in, really is SUCH a good thing. Like preparing for having a biological baby, that time is spent preparing for the new child's arrival. We are hugging on each other more and focusing every spare moment for extra snuggles.

Prayers for speedy recovery from the yuck, for time to invest in our boys and each other, for this adoption process to continue to move along as it has-- are so greatly coveted.

Our fundraisers are doing well. Here is an update on what is going on and what you can do to help:

1. Our Thirty-one Fundraiser ends TONIGHT April 16th, 2015. 25% of the proceeds go directly towards bringing Kameron home. Click here if you want to order online. Remember, you can STILL participate even if you do not live in Idaho!

2. Our direct funding page, basically a Go Fund Me that is adoption specific and tax deductible to you, can be accessed by clicking here. We have hit over $1,000 to date! How exciting! To those who have donated, truly-- it means so very much to have your support!

3. The Jamberry Nail Online Fundraiser raised 60 dollars towards bringing Kameron home! The party is now closed. Thank you so much to Allison Shamblin and Ginger Baerg for throwing us this party/fundraiser. You gals are phenomenal! Thank you to all who ordered!

4. We are blessed by a wonderful quilter (who also just happens to be my cousin-in-law) who has offered to make us a quilt that we will raffle off in May!! Stay tuned for details on this.

5. We are still planning to do a large adoption yard sale fundraiser on June 12th, 2015. If you have any items you'd like to donate to this either hold on to them for the event or let us know!

--The Maddux Family

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Waiting with a side of..... More Waiting

We get asked often by those who are interested and supportive of our journey, regarding where we are in the adoption process.

We have entered into a phase of waiting. With more waiting. And a lot of unknown's in terms of timing. When are we leaving to get Kameron? We cannot say for sure. Our hopes range from end of Summer to Fall- Winter. Talk about a range for when you plan to take home your new son!

What we DO know, is that we MUST have him home by the end of December. Why? Because in China, once he is 14 years old he ages out from being able to be adopted. Effectively terminating any chance he has for a family.

I (Sarah) am not a patient person by nature. But in this process I have experienced a level of patience within myself I am admittedly unaccustomed to. I am constantly praising God for this, as it must be his doing. There has been such a peace about this process, that no matter what, things will work out. No matter how I think it might look in the end, Kameron WILL come home.

We were notified by our agency this week that our I800-A was sent to the Department of Homeland Security (this is basically our petition to the US government to proceed with an international adoption) and are thrilled to have only 4 "To Do's" left to send our Dossier to China!

Our fundraiser's have been very helpful. Every little (and large) bit has helped and has been so appreciated. Friends and family have helped financially and in other ways as well (offering their skills for fundraising, helping with our children, prayers, etc). It has warmed our hearts and humbled us so much. Thank you, just doesn't seem like enough.

When we took on this calling, I admit I felt overwhelmed. Adoption costs 3x the amount I thought it would. But God has promised to walk us through this journey and he continues to be faithful to our family in this calling. Every day, someone has touched us with their support for this adoption. And it has meant more to us than words can say.

Thank you to you all. For your support and encouraging words. For your prayers. Your part in this has not gone unnoticed. What a privilege to watch your community wrap you and your family in such love!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

What We Are Up To

So what are we up to these days with the adoption? I get asked this often. At this time we are mostly doing a lot of busy work.

I mailed off our I800A today to our agency.

We are working on more education hours for our adoption. We have just a few left, but all are time consuming. And if there is ANYTHING we run deficient on, it's time. So we are trying to squeeze in these things when possible.

Today, we have a Thirty-One Fundraiser at our house. We will be talking about the new line of Jewelry Thirty-One is selling, but if you have your eye on some cute bags-- those count too. If you live in the area and want to come-- you are invited! Just call, email or Facebook me if you need the address. We will be having Crystle Bittle present to us and enjoy some light refreshments and beverages.

If you are not in town, or cannot make it tonight, but wish to order: click here for the link. 25% of all purchases go directly towards bringing Kameron home. This is a unique way to raise funds as it costs NOTHING extra to you, if you decided to order. You have until April 16th to place your order.

Next week we will start a Jamberry Nail Fundraiser. 30% of those funds will go directly towards Kameron's adoption. A big THANK YOU to Allison Shamblin and Ginger out southeast who graciously offered to throw this party for us.

We are patiently waiting. Waiting to bring Kameron home. Waiting for the US government and China to approve the tons of paperwork we have and will have completed. Waiting for our next update and photo's of Kameron (we get to send a request in 2 weeks). Waiting, is hard.

Your prayers and good wishes are so appreciated!