Kameron continues to get stronger and sassier each day since his last chemo treatment. His blood counts have reached a safe enough level that his oncology team is discussing possibly removing his port. After undergoing multiple scans, Kameron's medical team (radiology, oncology and orthopedic surgeon) all agreed that Kameron shows NO evidence of active disease (NED)! Kam saw his orthopedic surgeon this morning and he agreed that all is well. Kam, in the future, will need to have a job that doesn't require heavy lifting, running or jumping for the remainder of his life.
Kameron is diligently working each week with physical therapy to improve his strength and endurance. We are seeing positive improvements and growth on that front, each and every week. He is hoping to be able to get a job once his immune system is back to normal, which won't be for 6 months post-chemotherapy. We still have to take extra precautions and avoid potential infection exposure to Kam.
Kam has nearly regained all of his pre-treatment weight and is eating as a healthy 20 year old man typically does. He still needs medications to help with his nausea, which is very well managed at this point. The oncology team says it could take him a few months to not need medications and for his GI system to return to its usual as well. He is quite happy with having less and less doctors appointments and for getting to sleep in his own bed. His cat Petey is glad to have Kameron back at home on a full time basis, and he regularly is found on the couch with Kam supervising his video games.
An example of how well Kameron's eating these days |
We are so grateful for everything that Kameron's medical team has been able to do for him and our family. Kam is cancer free, y'all! It's everything we have been wanting and praying for him. Thank you, Jesus! While there is always a chance the cancer could come back, his medical team continues to watch him vigilantly. Kam will continue to see his cancer doctor monthly, and have repeat scans this first year every 3 months. We will likely hold our breath a bit until we can hear "no evidence of disease" for some extended period of time, on repeat.
The Thank You drawing I made for Kam's Cancer Clinic |
Kam's hair is starting to grow back in. It's incredible that the only physical sign of what his body has been through is fresh growing hair, a scar on his right knee, and some unchanged minimal high frequency hearing loss that won't even be noticeable or problematic for him. He is continuing to dream dreams and is planning on what may be next for his future once his immune system returns to normal. When you've seen your kid have to lose their dream due to circumstances beyond their control, seeing him plan for a future again is so exquisitely BEAUTIFUL. We are excited for him. This young man has battled hard and strong. We are grateful for the opportunity now to rest a bit.
Thank you for all of your continued prayers, love and support. Showing up for our family when we were hardest hit, has meant the world to us. And it matters a great deal.