Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Travel Approval (TA)-- China HERE WE COME!!

We got exciting news today! Our travel approval (which typically takes 2 weeks) took a few days and is HERE! Our agency has already submitted our first choice for an appointment with the American Consult in Guangzhou, China. Once this date is confirmed, we buy our tickets and START PACKING!! 

And it looks like our trip is coming up crazy soon (like in a couple weeks). We are thrilled, but the realization that we aren't as prepared as we had hoped to be at this point, has set in deep! We have housework to complete, Kameron's room to finish, some clothing necessities to buy, and a crazy amount of errands to run. Let the nesting instincts commence!

Today was a BIG day for the Maddux Family. We all were so excited. It was a moment, that we decided, that deserved celebration and CAKE!!

Toby munching on our TA (Travel Approval) cake!
We are still awaiting on final totals for our Matching Grant-- but are near meeting our matching goal total. We still have $3,000 dollars left to be fully funded for our adoption and are waiting to hear back on one final grant that we, honestly, are really depending on/needing to come through.

We are thrilled to be sharing this good news. We appreciate your words of encouragement, support and prayers. As you can imagine, I need to run-- as there is LOTS to plan and to do!!!

-- The Maddux Family

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