Monday, September 28, 2015

Exciting News-- all at ONCE!

Today was a big day. A lot of information got thrown at us, all at the same time! Jesse and I are now the proud new carriers of Chinese Visa's! There is an actual stamp in my passport. Despite owning one for years, it now has a purpose. :)

We also received I-800 approval this evening in the mail. To review, that's steps 11 and 12 right on this "how adoption's work" graphic. Now, we move to Step 13-- Article 5 drop-off. In laymen's terms-- more paperwork!

Also, we have been waiting on pins and needles to hear anything, something, on possible grants we have applied for. We learned today, that we have been awarded a matching grant of $2,500.00 from Lifesong for Orphans!! What a huge answer to prayer this is!! We still have about $7,500.00 to raise BEFORE we travel. So with this matching grant, that's $5,000 total!

So here is what we need: We need to raise $1,500.00 before October 28th, 2015, as we already have a promised large donation to account for the remainder. If you feel led to donate, please do so now. Your donation with literally double in size. $20 dollars, automatically becomes $40-- and so on. 

If you are interested in donating, please click here to reach the Lifesong for Orphans matching grant page. Please be sure to specify the Maddux family and our ID number is 5497.

If you wish to pay by check and not online, you may send a check made out to Lifesong for Orphans with a memo line that reads: Maddux/5497 to the following address:

Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40
Gridley, IL, 61744

I can't believe that we will likely be in China in the next 6 weeks or so. We cannot wait to get to meet this guy and welcome him into the family as an official and forever, Maddux.

God has been faithful and continues to provide to help us bring Kameron home. It is extraordinary to see how much he cares for orphans, but particularly our Kameron.

-- The Maddux Family

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Where Are We??

We just received notification that the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Services received our I800/LOA today. All of this adoption paperwork gets REALLY confusing! Many people ask us, "Where are you in the process?" Here is a graphic that details how complicated this whole process really is:

We are near Step 10!!
As you can see there are still a few key steps till we get to plan our trip and have the exact dates for travel. It looks like mid-November is about when we will get to go. It's all getting very very REAL. And exciting. The boys are anxious and excited about mom and dad going to China. We feel the same way.

The older boys are busy now with flag football and soccer practices, games and school. Goodness. We are sure busy these day! I'm not sure how we would be doing all this without Jesse at home! It's sure been a HUGE blessing to have him home this school year.

After the Quilt Fundraiser donations have all been processed, we have ran the numbers and we are still about $7,500 short before we travel. We have a few more fundraisers up our sleeves and are awaiting the outcomes of two possible grant determinations.

So far, Jesse has found a small 20 inch x 20 inch tan table he will turn into a Lego table, just like the one he made for our boys. We will make it and deliver it to the highest bidder. We are starting bids at $50 dollars to make sure all of the costs to make it are fully covered. If you are interested in bidding, please do so on our Facebook or email us your bid to

Lego Table to go to the Highest Bidder!
Soon we are also going to be launching an Usborne Books Party and Cards for a Cause. If you are interested in getting some awesome books and/or cute cards, AND getting to help bring Kameron home, please let me know! Thank you Ashley for offering to do this fundraiser for us!

 Thank you for taking this journey with us. Thank you for coming alongside and encouraging us. It has literally blown us away to witness the generosity of our community and the goodness and support from you all for our cause! Sometimes, the number crunching gets overwhelming and the road feels long and impossible. Right when those moments hit, something amazing happens that just blesses our socks right off.

-- The Maddux's

Saturday, September 12, 2015

I-800 Away, Tales of the Boys, & Fortunes

We have been busy these days completing masses of paperwork related to our soon to be travel. We are going to China soon, ya'll!!! We are looking at traveling to China, most likely, in mid November to beginning of December. Maybe sooner with us expediting our paperwork.

We have received word that our I-800 got sent to the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services/Department of Homeland Security) last week. We should receive notice of receipt of this in 2 weeks. Soon after, approval. All kinds of words are thrown at us now. Article 5 drop off, TA (travel approval), CA (consult appointment), Visa Applications, etc.

So much is coming at us, and we are trying to absorb what we can and prioritize. We are incredibly grateful for an excellent adoption agency (Lifeline, you rock!) that really has come along side us and gone above and beyond to make this process as simple as possible for us (and it's NOT simple!).

The boys are getting excited. We are getting excited. It's really REALLY happening. Goodness. There is just so much to do!

Toby told me today, when we came across a picture the boys have in their room of Kameron that, "Mom, I love Kameron!" I said, "Ohh honey that is soo soo sweet and makes momma's heart happy!" He looked at me, and with a matter of fact attitude retorted, "Well mom, he IS my brother.."

... Well, of course.... :)

Also, we got this fortune on Thursday evening from a fortune cookie and it made Jesse and I smile:

Our recent Quilt Fundraiser was very successful! Thank you to everyone who participated. Especially to Jesse's cousin, Jenn who donated the beautiful quilt to help us bring our boy home.

Thank you to those who donated, for those who have shared our story, for those who encourage and pray for our family!

We still need to raise about $7,000 dollars before we travel. It's coming up so soon. We are waiting on pins and needles, praying often, and waiting to hear back about the grant requests we have submitted. We know God will provide.

Also, stay tuned. We have another fundraiser or two up our sleeves...... :)

-- The Maddux Family

Friday, September 4, 2015

The winner of the quilt giveaway fundraiser...

And the winner is....

Congratulations to the winner! And thank you to every single one of you who donated! It has gotten us much closer to getting our boy. Words cannot express how thankful we are to each and every one of you!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

LOA (Letter of Approval)

We are excited to announce that we are at Letter of Approval(LOA)! What does this mean? Well, China said, yes! We have in our hands a letter saying yes. All we have to do is sign it and say we accept. Which we have. And it will be shipped to our agency in the morning!

We officially have LOA!! 9/2/15
Now, we begin applying for Visa's and planning our trip. Some of that is still unknown, but we are hoping to travel in November. We get to go to China, soon! Soon Kameron will be home with his forever family.

That's right. Kameron is coming home soon!

Jesse and I feel like there is SO much we have to do. We are spending every moment we can investing into our little ones at home and each other. Jesse is working on paperwork almost every day trying to stay on top of it all. I recently posted on Facebook, about 2 weeks ago, how it was the first time in a long time Jesse and I didn't have paperwork or something we had to do for the adoption. That lasted less than a week! It is such a blessing having Jesse home this year!

We have a few details left, then Kameron's room will be completely ready! Meanwhile, the two older boys start soccer and flag football. Our weekends are booked solid from here until we travel. Goodness. It's a lot! Even this long upcoming holiday weekend is dedicated to x2 solid days of the final training we have to take before we go get Kameron.

Also, we could use some prayer. We still have over $8,000 to raise. We have applied for a couple grants, but we were initially denied one grant. However, we have emailed them about our change in circumstances and they have agreed to re-look at our situation and see if they can do anything more. We are waiting to hear if we have been approved on the second. God is faithful and we know he will provide.


In terms of our fundraisers, there are just 2 days left on our Quilt Fundraiser. Click here if you wish to enter. We are drawing a winner this Friday evening!

The quilt we will be drawing a winner for on September 4th, 2015!! Enter soon if you would like a chance to win this beautiful quilt!

To those of you who have prayed, who have donated, who have encouraged and supported us: Thank you a million times over! Our adoption is already doing awesome things in our family! We are seeing the kindness and support that others have for our family, but also for a complete stranger. What a wonderful way you all are demonstrating God's love to us and especially our children! I cannot wait to explain to Kameron how deeply loved he already is. Not just by us, but by all of you who have helped to bring him home!

--The Maddux Family