Today was another BIG DAY! We got Consulate Appointment (CA) Approval. And we BOUGHT OUR TICKETS TO CHINA!! And... to make this all even more INSANE--- we leave in two weeks!!
Our "Gotcha Day" is on November 16th. This is an important date in our household, as it's our youngest son's birthday. Mommy is a little sad to be missing little man's birthday. But we will do a little celebration BEFORE we leave, and my family has assured me they will make his actual birthday and Kameron's Gotcha Day, special in our absence.
So now, we are packing like mad. Getting things in order. Loving on our boys. Purchasing things we will need on this trip. Ensuring we have all the paperwork we need. Wiring money. Making lists. Checking them thrice.
It's a little overwhelming thinking of the to do's and the amount of time we have to do it all in.
We also found out that the very last funds needed for our Matching Grant came through! We now are awaiting the last few thousand dollars and should hear about one final grant soon to be fully funded.
Things are coming together. We are so excited-- that it is palpable in the Maddux household. Thank you for your prayers, your encouragement and support.
It is our understanding that a couple weeks before Gotcha Day, any orphaned child in the foster care system in China is returned to the orphanage for the adoption. Our thoughts, prayers, and hearts are with Kameron as he, likely soon, will be leaving his foster family who has cared for him the past 5 years.
--The Maddux Family
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Travel Approval (TA)-- China HERE WE COME!!
We got exciting news today! Our travel approval (which typically takes 2 weeks) took a few days and is HERE! Our agency has already submitted our first choice for an appointment with the American Consult in Guangzhou, China. Once this date is confirmed, we buy our tickets and START PACKING!!
And it looks like our trip is coming up crazy soon (like in a couple weeks). We are thrilled, but the realization that we aren't as prepared as we had hoped to be at this point, has set in deep! We have housework to complete, Kameron's room to finish, some clothing necessities to buy, and a crazy amount of errands to run. Let the nesting instincts commence!
Today was a BIG day for the Maddux Family. We all were so excited. It was a moment, that we decided, that deserved celebration and CAKE!!
We are still awaiting on final totals for our Matching Grant-- but are near meeting our matching goal total. We still have $3,000 dollars left to be fully funded for our adoption and are waiting to hear back on one final grant that we, honestly, are really depending on/needing to come through.
We are thrilled to be sharing this good news. We appreciate your words of encouragement, support and prayers. As you can imagine, I need to run-- as there is LOTS to plan and to do!!!
-- The Maddux Family
And it looks like our trip is coming up crazy soon (like in a couple weeks). We are thrilled, but the realization that we aren't as prepared as we had hoped to be at this point, has set in deep! We have housework to complete, Kameron's room to finish, some clothing necessities to buy, and a crazy amount of errands to run. Let the nesting instincts commence!
Today was a BIG day for the Maddux Family. We all were so excited. It was a moment, that we decided, that deserved celebration and CAKE!!
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Toby munching on our TA (Travel Approval) cake! |
We are thrilled to be sharing this good news. We appreciate your words of encouragement, support and prayers. As you can imagine, I need to run-- as there is LOTS to plan and to do!!!
-- The Maddux Family
Friday, October 23, 2015
This Week's Events
This week we were notified of Article 5 pick up. Now, we are waiting on Travel Approval. Once we have Travel Approval (aka: TA) we proceed to Consult Appointment (aka: CA) and then all the trip planning starts happens. Then we will know exactly WHEN we go. And things are getting crazy/exciting/wonderful/terrifying all at the very same time!!
Adoptions involve a lot of paperwork. Right now, however, we are in a time of finishing up our fundraisers, preparing our boys, our home, and our suitcases for travel to China!! We have had a couple weeks of very little paperwork, for once, and it's been a much needed break!
I've worked on a Lifebook for Kameron. It's filled with pictures of our family, our home, photos of him and his story. I'm so excited to give it to him. On the very last page is a list of all the names of people (and families) that have helped in some way to get him home. It was an emotional project for me, as I was in absolute awe of how many names were written in teeny-tiny print. At the end, there were well over 150+ names.
We have not felt alone, really ever, on this journey towards adoption. And that is such an awesome blessing! We have had so many come and walk alongside us and assist us in various ways. We are so incredibly thankful for our supportive family, friends, church and community. It means so much to each of us. I'm not sure we realized how many people truly care for us until we took on this journey. And it's been awesome to say the least!
I can't seem to say it enough. We get to go to China! And soon! We will spend a week in Kameron's orphanage province and then spend a week in Guangzhou (pronounced Goo-Wong-Jo) were the American Consult is. We are particularly excited, because this is our first trip abroad. And of course, anxious-- because we have never traveled abroad!
In terms of our fundraisers we are down to the very last amount needed for a matching grant (maybe $100 dollars or less) and down to the last few thousand and our adoption will officially be FULLY funded!
Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. We hope that you will continue to pray for our family and especially for Kameron as he prepares to take on a brand new family and culture. We don't suspect it will be easy for him. And we are hoping for a good transition for the boys as they soon meet and learn to love their new brother.
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We are on step #15 and soon #16!! |
I've worked on a Lifebook for Kameron. It's filled with pictures of our family, our home, photos of him and his story. I'm so excited to give it to him. On the very last page is a list of all the names of people (and families) that have helped in some way to get him home. It was an emotional project for me, as I was in absolute awe of how many names were written in teeny-tiny print. At the end, there were well over 150+ names.
We have not felt alone, really ever, on this journey towards adoption. And that is such an awesome blessing! We have had so many come and walk alongside us and assist us in various ways. We are so incredibly thankful for our supportive family, friends, church and community. It means so much to each of us. I'm not sure we realized how many people truly care for us until we took on this journey. And it's been awesome to say the least!
I can't seem to say it enough. We get to go to China! And soon! We will spend a week in Kameron's orphanage province and then spend a week in Guangzhou (pronounced Goo-Wong-Jo) were the American Consult is. We are particularly excited, because this is our first trip abroad. And of course, anxious-- because we have never traveled abroad!
In terms of our fundraisers we are down to the very last amount needed for a matching grant (maybe $100 dollars or less) and down to the last few thousand and our adoption will officially be FULLY funded!
Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. We hope that you will continue to pray for our family and especially for Kameron as he prepares to take on a brand new family and culture. We don't suspect it will be easy for him. And we are hoping for a good transition for the boys as they soon meet and learn to love their new brother.
-- The Maddux Family
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Our Final Update on Kameron
There have been some recent holidays in the United States and in China which have delayed our Article 5 process by about a week. It's now looking more like we will be heading to China around Thanksgiving or just after that. I was feeling a bit discouraged about it at first, but this will allow us to be home for our youngest child's 2nd birthday, which I have been really hoping not to miss. I have been able to find my silver lining in the wait. And I'm grateful for that. Because the wait isn't always easy....
After Article 5 is processed, this coming week we are anticipating "Article 5 pick-up" then we move on to Travel Approval and start planning dates and our trip in more detail.
Our apple butter (Jesse made over 100 half-pints) sold out within less than 2 weeks. I still can't believe how successful this fundraiser was!! And the making of said apple butter not only made our home smell like Fall, but it sure makes me miss our time in Nashville, Tennessee! Thank you to those who participated and really encouraged us to pursue this kind of fundraiser!
I'm working on a photobook to give Kameron on our "Gotcha Day." It will be a book about our story finding him, pictures of our house and of his new family, and what we and so many others have contributed to help bring him home. I worked on the last page of the book today. I spent quite a long time listing all the names of those who have helped us along the way. As I worked on this portion, I had a tear in my eyes. I was in awe as I counted the names. So far, there are over 120+ names that in some way have helped us on our journey to get Kameron home! When God call's you to something BIG, he certainly provides BIG!
We also got our final (that's right, our VERY last) update on Kameron that we will get until we travel to get him. We ALL get so excited for these updates. Even the boys will suddenly be motivated to help finish folding and putting away laundry, just to get to hear new things about him. And, it came yesterday with a new set of pictures.
Jesse and I are trying our best to prepare for our upcoming travel (we have our suitcases and are probably now some of the MOST immunized people around) and to also prepare and invest in our 3 boys at home. I have loved their enthusiasm for their new brother. The way the two older boys embrace Kameron's culture with their thirst for all things China, has been absolutely wonderful. The love they have for Kameron is already well evident.
In terms of our fundraising, we are excited to tell you that we have raised all BUT $400 dollars of our $2500 Lifesong for Orphans matching grant. Click here if you wish to donate (Click on Gift Preference: Adoption specific. Family Specific. Maddux. Account 5497). Additionally, we learned just TONIGHT that we have received a $1,000 adoption grant as well! That puts us within a couple thousand dollars of being FULLY FUNDED! Praise the Lord!
Today, I have been reflecting on the last 10 months, when we first started talking about possibly considering the adoption. How frightened we were in the beginning. Especially, when the sinking feeling hit about the cost of the adoption. How on EARTH were we EVER going to raise that much? People don't have that kind of money just lying around. And looking back as we near travel to China... we can see the finish line. I look back at those scared but obedient people, and see how we are NEARLY there-- about to cross the finish line of the adoption marathon. Our trust and faith is ALL in. I can see how God has used this process of the adoption to make us a stronger more connected family. How it's helped me become an even better mother. It's helped Jesse become and even better father. It's helped open our eyes, in ways we never could have imagined.
Knowing the process required for an adoption and the in's and out's of all it took: Would we still do it, knowing then what we know now? In a heart beat! This journey has been an awfully big adventure.
After Article 5 is processed, this coming week we are anticipating "Article 5 pick-up" then we move on to Travel Approval and start planning dates and our trip in more detail.
Our apple butter (Jesse made over 100 half-pints) sold out within less than 2 weeks. I still can't believe how successful this fundraiser was!! And the making of said apple butter not only made our home smell like Fall, but it sure makes me miss our time in Nashville, Tennessee! Thank you to those who participated and really encouraged us to pursue this kind of fundraiser!
I'm working on a photobook to give Kameron on our "Gotcha Day." It will be a book about our story finding him, pictures of our house and of his new family, and what we and so many others have contributed to help bring him home. I worked on the last page of the book today. I spent quite a long time listing all the names of those who have helped us along the way. As I worked on this portion, I had a tear in my eyes. I was in awe as I counted the names. So far, there are over 120+ names that in some way have helped us on our journey to get Kameron home! When God call's you to something BIG, he certainly provides BIG!
We also got our final (that's right, our VERY last) update on Kameron that we will get until we travel to get him. We ALL get so excited for these updates. Even the boys will suddenly be motivated to help finish folding and putting away laundry, just to get to hear new things about him. And, it came yesterday with a new set of pictures.
Jesse and I are trying our best to prepare for our upcoming travel (we have our suitcases and are probably now some of the MOST immunized people around) and to also prepare and invest in our 3 boys at home. I have loved their enthusiasm for their new brother. The way the two older boys embrace Kameron's culture with their thirst for all things China, has been absolutely wonderful. The love they have for Kameron is already well evident.
In terms of our fundraising, we are excited to tell you that we have raised all BUT $400 dollars of our $2500 Lifesong for Orphans matching grant. Click here if you wish to donate (Click on Gift Preference: Adoption specific. Family Specific. Maddux. Account 5497). Additionally, we learned just TONIGHT that we have received a $1,000 adoption grant as well! That puts us within a couple thousand dollars of being FULLY FUNDED! Praise the Lord!
Today, I have been reflecting on the last 10 months, when we first started talking about possibly considering the adoption. How frightened we were in the beginning. Especially, when the sinking feeling hit about the cost of the adoption. How on EARTH were we EVER going to raise that much? People don't have that kind of money just lying around. And looking back as we near travel to China... we can see the finish line. I look back at those scared but obedient people, and see how we are NEARLY there-- about to cross the finish line of the adoption marathon. Our trust and faith is ALL in. I can see how God has used this process of the adoption to make us a stronger more connected family. How it's helped me become an even better mother. It's helped Jesse become and even better father. It's helped open our eyes, in ways we never could have imagined.
Knowing the process required for an adoption and the in's and out's of all it took: Would we still do it, knowing then what we know now? In a heart beat! This journey has been an awfully big adventure.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Article 5 Drop off and Apple Butter Adventures
We received word that we are in the final paperwork stages of our adoption. Article 5 was dropped off today. We requested an expedite, as we want to ensure that we have plenty of time for Kameron to make it home BEFORE he ages out in December. The expedite, however, was denied. The Consulate feels there is plenty of time and we are quite near travel. Therefore, this process will take a full 2 weeks. What a GOOD problem to have and a HUGE answer to prayer! We have worried about getting him home on time from the beginning. And here we are so CLOSE to travel with PLENTY of time to spare. What a BLESSING!!
As many of you are aware, we have received a matching grant from Lifesong for Orphans. We are currently working on raising funds for the full matching amount of $2,500. To date, we have raised nearly 2/3rds of this amount!! We are still needing to raise that final 1/3rd to complete this matching grant. If you are interested in donating, please click here. Be sure to specify "Maddux" as family and account "5497" to ensure it makes it to us.
We also did an Apple Butter Fundraiser, after much encouragement from friends and fan's of Jesse's amazing apple butter skills, that was UNBELIEVABLY successful. In fact, we are all SOLD OUT of what we had anticipated making. We made 78 lbs of apple butter and were floored how quickly it was GONE. Now don't sweat it if you have ordered apple butter and haven't received any yet-- we have yours and will deliver it soon! Anyone who was still hoping to order, let me know as we have one more batch we need to make to complete the known orders and can adjust it if you are interested.
Our trip to China is getting even closer. It's wonderful to think that this coming Halloween, is likely to be the very last holiday we will have without Kameron. Soon, he will be a forever Maddux. And we will be a 4 boy family!
-- The Maddux Family
As many of you are aware, we have received a matching grant from Lifesong for Orphans. We are currently working on raising funds for the full matching amount of $2,500. To date, we have raised nearly 2/3rds of this amount!! We are still needing to raise that final 1/3rd to complete this matching grant. If you are interested in donating, please click here. Be sure to specify "Maddux" as family and account "5497" to ensure it makes it to us.
We also did an Apple Butter Fundraiser, after much encouragement from friends and fan's of Jesse's amazing apple butter skills, that was UNBELIEVABLY successful. In fact, we are all SOLD OUT of what we had anticipated making. We made 78 lbs of apple butter and were floored how quickly it was GONE. Now don't sweat it if you have ordered apple butter and haven't received any yet-- we have yours and will deliver it soon! Anyone who was still hoping to order, let me know as we have one more batch we need to make to complete the known orders and can adjust it if you are interested.
Our trip to China is getting even closer. It's wonderful to think that this coming Halloween, is likely to be the very last holiday we will have without Kameron. Soon, he will be a forever Maddux. And we will be a 4 boy family!
-- The Maddux Family
Friday, October 2, 2015
Matching Grant-- Lifesong for Orphans
October 2, 2015
Dear Friends & Family,
As some
of you know, we have felt called by God to adopt an orphan child from China
into our family. We are adopting a 13 year old boy and hope to bring him home
sometime in November, before he ages out of the system at 14 years old. As a
family, we have been excitedly praying for him and learning all we can about
his culture in China. We have already named him--- Kameron Zong Maddux.
Why are we adopting? Primarily, we have felt so clearly
directed by God that we want to obey Him. We also desire to give an orphan child a
family that he probably wouldn’t otherwise have. God desires for orphans of all
nations to be loved and cared for.
Our biggest challenge is not opening our home and hearts to
another child, but finding the finances to make this happen. The estimated cost for the adoption is over $30,000.
That’s certainly money we do not have, but we know God is faithful and is
leading us to trust in Him. By God’s grace, we have been able to pay for the
initial half of the adoption costs.
Honestly, it difficult (because of our pride) to make our
needs known to the Body of Christ, but we realize it is biblical to do so. Your
friendship is appreciated, and we would like you to pray and consider helping
us in one of two ways with our adoption.
- Please pray for Kameron in China and that God would tenderly care for him as we will soon be bringing him home. That God would help prepare Kameron’s heart for the upcoming changes he will face, as well as Jesse Jay, Toby and Noah’s hearts as they adjust to the changes our family will face. That God will bring wisdom, patience, discernment and insight as we raise Kameron to know Jesus.
- Lifesong for Orphans has committed an Adoption Matching Grants of $2500 to help pay our adoption expenses. Will you please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us meet our matching grant? So far, we have been able to raise $1500 of the funds, to date. That leaves the remaining $1000 that is still needed to be raised. Our goal date is to have all the funds by October 28th, however, funds will be accepted towards our adoption until Kameron’s adoption is complete.
Please make checks payable to “Lifesong for Orphans” and in
the memo note add “Maddux #5497” so it is sent directly to our account. 100% of
your donation with go directly towards the adoption.
Please mail your check to:
Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40
Gridley, IL, 61744
Another option is to give online. Go to
Select “Give to an Adoptive Family.” Complete the online form and fill in “Maddux”
and “5497” to the family name and account number fields.
In following with IRS guidelines, your donation is to the
named non-profit organization. This organization retains full discretion over
its use, but intends to honor the donors suggested use. Individual donations of
$250 or more and yearly donations totaling $250 or more will receive a
tax-deductible receipt. Receipts for under $250 will gladly be sent upon
request. Lifesong is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization.
Thank you for journeying with us and assisting us through
prayer and finances. It will be an investment with an eternal return! Please
pray that we will glorify God and fulfill His purpose.
In Christ,
Jesse, Sarah, Jesse Jay, Toby and Noah
The Maddux Family |
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Kameron in China |
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