Friday, March 6, 2015


We have felt incredibly blessed by those who have supported us in our adoption, thus far. We truly cannot thank you enough. This experience has stretched us so much. It has also brought a lot of joy. We are humbled by your generosity.

A friend of mine told me that it was “totally normal” to feel very emotional. Paper pregnancy seems to carry its own set of wild emotions (albeit no odd cravings, exhaustion and weight gain). I have been so touched. Moved by people’s generosity, support and prayers for our family as we take on this calling.

Many ask us how we came to this decision. Our story starts on Thanksgiving Day while visiting my parents in Washington. Jesse and I were relaxing after Thanksgiving as the grandparents were playing with the grandkids. We were surfing the internet when we came across a dear friend advocating for Kameron.

Normally, we feel moved, but not called to do more than to pray for the children we see. This time, we both stopped. Jesse and I looked at each other and said “we need to do something.” Kameron’s profile matched our family dynamics perfectly. The more we learn about him, the more we know we are the right fit for him. We felt an immediate, inexplicable, instant connection to THIS child. We hadn’t really even been considering adoption.

Our older boys have been a source of affirmation to this calling. We worried how our oldest would feel being displaced as the oldest child in the family. That Thanksgiving Day, as we were pondering all of this, he walks up to us (knowing nothing of our considering adopting) and announces, “Mom. Dad. I’m tired of being the oldest. I want an older brother!” We knew then not to concern ourselves with this any longer.

The older 2 boys both were looking at Waiting Children profiles with me a few days later. Both, without knowing who Kameron was or details—picked out Kameron’s picture and said, “We like him. HE can be our brother.”

We have had some mild speed bumps along the way. We have learned so much about the process of adoption. Friends and even total strangers have opened up to us and shared their own adoption experiences and journey’s.

We overwhelmingly have felt blessed by this. Our community, friends and families have poured love on us. We know lots of people are praying for us all over the country. Lots are sending kind words and encouragement. We have had some even walk alongside us during this journey and have guided us through the complex process.
This has truly opened our eyes to how loved we are. And how loved Kameron already is.
Please feel free to forward/post our Adopt Together Page if you feel called to do so. Anything helps. And we hope to bring awareness to this issue we have become passionate about.

“I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you.” John 14:18 (NIV)

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