Thursday, January 13, 2022

Crossing the Finish Line

Kam did awesome with his last chemo treatment. We were amazed that he developed NO sores anywhere. Furthermore, his appetite stayed normal for him and he has even put on a bit of weight! The trajectory of the Hand Foot Syndrome Kam gets with Methotrexate is that it typically worsens each round. Not that it suddenly and inexplicably stops happening. We are calling this one a Jesus miracle! A very much needed one exactly when he needed it. Prayer works, y'all. And we cannot thank you enough for being a part of Kam's Prayer Warriors. 

Kam was able to enjoy watching "The Eternals" and "Sing 2" with us this past week and has been busy watching funny TikTok videos and playing video games with his brothers. 

Kam telling Petey this morning he was heading to the clinic. Petey hates it whenever Kam is gone.

Today, Kam went back to the cancer clinic to see if he would make counts for his last chemo treatment. We were all concerned, since he has been feeling more dizzy lately, that he wouldn't. This can be a symptom of low blood counts. Kameron told the check-in ladies he'd likely be heading home to play video games after his appointment. After his lab draw, he got a token for the clinic toy machine and got a funny dice he has been trying to get for months, in his favorite color. It functions like a Magic 8 ball where you ask it a question, then you roll the dice for an answer. We asked it if he'd make counts and it answered, "No!!" 

Needless to say, I wasn't exactly convinced he'd make counts today. Kam is so rarely wrong about his hunches. I told the entire staff that they needed to join me in wishing and praying he'd make counts. There is strength in numbers. And we need to be done with this battle. 

Thankfully, the nurse came in shortly after and informed us of the happy news: "Kam made counts for his FINAL chemotherapy treatment!" Y'all, I am so thrilled I want to shout it from the rooftops and tell random strangers at the grocery store. So I'm going to say it again in all caps for those in the back who may not have heard me:


This means this is his last hospitalization, God willing. And that his MAP protocol for his osteosarcoma treatment will be completed. Furthermore, he will complete all of the treatment without any need to reduce or forgo certain medications to kill his cancer. He got through it. Gosh, that's HUGE when you're dealing with weird side effects! We've now been on this journey for 10 months. And we are so very ready to be done.  

Bye Felicia! Bye osteosarcoma! Don't you EVER come back knocking around here again. Get on out of here!

Kam is getting his 6 hours of hydration and once he meets parameters, he will have his last infusion of chemotherapy tonight. Then we wait 72+ hours for the medication to safely flush out of his system so we can take him home. This will likely be this Monday for him. 

Next week we are celebrating BIG! This battle has been long and we are quite frankly, exhausted. Not the kind of exhausted that sleep helps. While I've never run a marathon myself, I imagine it feels similar. We are on the last leg and the finish line is right there and within sight! We are tired, everything aches, and we want to stop and rest. But we know we cannot. Not just yet. But soon. Very, very soon.

Please keep Kam in your prayers as he gets his last round of chemotherapy. Pray this last round kills any remaining micro- cell of osteoblastic osteosarcoma in his body. That he would again miraculously not develop any blisters. That he will stay nice and boring this hospital stay. For Jesse and I who are battle weary, but determined to finish strong. For Kam's brothers who are ready to have him back full-time and done with cancer. For Kirby who has done an amazing job helping our family in this really difficult season. She's been a down right angel. God knew we'd need her, and what a gift she has been. And that Kam will not relapse. 

Thanks for sticking with us during this grueling, long, and arduous battle. Let's kick cancer to the curb! Thank you to all of you who have shown up, loved us well, and helped lift our arms when we are tired. It has taken a village. 💓