Today was our BIG meeting with the school to further discuss Kameron's grade placement in public school. It has been a longer and more frustrating process than we had EVER anticipated. We did our homework well before ever bringing Kameron home. What we were told to expect and what actually occurred, were two very different things. There have been a lot of discussions, research, tears and frustration. But despite it all, Kameron's resolve to go to school has persisted.
This morning's meeting went very well. Each side heard one another out, compromises were made, and it was a friendly and upbeat meeting. Which, when you are prepared to battle, is a nice and unexpected pleasantry.
All of us (from the school administrators to Kameron himself) are happy with the decision. With the information we have, it is likely the best placement we can make-- all things considered.
On Tuesday, Kameron will start his first day of 7th grade at our local middle school. He is thrilled and so are we. He will start a staggered (late start) schedule this quarter and will be placed in classes that are built to help him have the most resources and be the most successful. We were pleased at how much consideration the school and principal (and district) have made to do what is best for Kameron and is most likely to set him up for success.
So we are all quite excited over here! Praise God for resolution and the ability to now move forward! Now we shop for school supplies, first day of school clothes, and start explaining American school system things like "you have to raise your hand and ask to go to the bathroom" (instead of just going).
We expect there to be some fatigue on Kameron's part, and some discomforts as we all adjust to new schedules and school. We ask for continued prayers for our family as we embrace ONE MORE adjustment (but seriously guys, when is our life EVER calm and tame?!?)
And, as a side note, I have to brag on Kameron a bit. I was NEARLY IN TEARS last night, when he read me one of Noah's books in English. It was basic, but he was READING ENGLISH, ya'll!! He has been home 9 weeks today. I was blown away by this boys brilliance!
And big thank you's to our friends and family who have helped support us through all of this. (and especially YOU, Mr. Minion! :) -- you know who you are) Thank you for the prayers. We serve a big God who is always good. And we are praising him! Today has been a very GOOD day.
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