We have hit some pretty harsh roadblocks. We had hoped to enroll him near grade level where he was in China. But are being told that it isn't possible-- that he must be placed in 8th grade, no matter what. The difficult thing here-- this isn't a consistent rule around the country nor in our own state or within schools within our same district. We are trying to do our best to advocate for Kameron. And it has been frustrating and exhausting. Please pray for us as we do our best to advocate for Kameron's education.
Kameron had a good week. We are seeing such continual progress. All of the boys have settled down a bit more and are feeling more comfortable around one another. I am personally praising God for this. We had a hard morning today-- but for the most part it was rather mild, and I can see such GROWTH from where we have come. It was also the first time that both Jesse and I felt courageous. That WE have GOT this. And that we had faith in our strength and resolve to weather the hard stuff. God has certainly proven he is near, good, and faithful to all of us.
Today, Jesse Jay and Toby were thrilled to get actual haircuts from a professional-- and not mom! They were patiently waiting to see Ms. Dawn again. Because, well, mommy just doesn't do as good of a job. They were thrilled and they look so daper!
The boys continue with their bonding and understanding of one another. It has been tiring being constant referee's (for Jesse and I) between sibling relationships. But we are seeing more kindness and regard for one another, which is HUGE! The little brothers are pretty smitten and obsessed with Kameron. They are constantly mimicking him. They want to be JUST like him. Which, can be overwhelming. But their love for one another is obvious.
We were told in China that Kameron loves basketball. He has refused to go play since we have been home. He has been feeling more adventurous these days and loves shooting hoops at the school in our backyard now. It has been great finding an active outlet for his energy, that he enjoys.
Please continue with your prayers and encouragement for our family. We are sincerely hoping we will have these details about school settled for Kameron as soon as possible. We have an important meeting on Tuesday afternoon that we are sincerely hoping brings clarity, and the best outcome possible for our boy for his education.
Knowing what I know now about what you are going through, I beg you to hire an advocacy attorney. Your son needs to be place EXACTLY where you believe he'll do best and the results of not doing this can damage his academic life forever. Here is a link to an amazing website to article pertaining to true older child adoption. It addresses these issues and many more. I hope you find it to be the exact information you need because I did.
Of utmost importance is the language testing and to make sure he's not put in an impossible situation where he's set up for failure.